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TECHNOMANCY TACTICS is a showcase of artistic practice at the intersection of digital technology and critical spirituality. Please view on a larger screen for the intended experience.

Alice Bucknell
Alice Bucknell is a North American artist and writer based in London. Working primarily through video game engines, her current work explores interconnections of architecture, ecology, magic, and non-human and machine intelligence. She uses speculative fiction and worldbuilding strategies to critique architecture's role in the climate crisis and its contribution to systems of global inequality. In 2021, she organized New Mystics, a collaborative platform exploring the practices of 12 artists merging magic, mysticism, and ritual with advanced technology, featuring texts co-written with the Language AI GPT-3.

Align Properties is a two-part video that explores the interconnection of wellness capitalism, new age spirituality and big data in times of crisis. Taking the failed astrology dating app Align as its departure point, Align Properties imagines the rebirth of the ill-fated app as a build-to-rent property developer targeting millennials seeking astrologically-attuned luxury living.
jujulove aka Juliette Lizotte is a video maker, designer and DJ based in Amsterdam. Her current research focuses on witches as ecofeminist key figures. Learning from the subversive character of the witch: marginal, powerful and disruptive, with an unsettling relation to nature, Juliette invokes the powers of witches, their spell casting and their engagement with unconventional knowledges to empower bodies and minds.
Sisters of the Wind is the fruit of an artistic research on witches, ecofeminism, and science-fiction carried out between 2018 and 2021. It is a story woven through seven videos to be experienced in two distinct ways: as an online world-building workshop and role play session or as an interactive audiovisual performance.
Joey Holder
Joey Holder is a visual artist, producer & mentor. She is represented by Seventeen, London. She is the Director of SPUR an online platform which supports digital practice and the Director of Chaos Magic, an arts project space in Nottingham.
Adcredo - The Deep Belief Network is a series of installations developed across several sites, as well as a research and discussion platform. Taking a fictional data-analysis company called Adcredo as her starting point, Holder explores the role that online networks can play in the construction of belief. The work develops a series of avatars that Holder has worked with across the project. CGI talking heads stand in for Kanye West, Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin and Peter Thiel alongside otherworldly creatures drawn from the artist’s online research into conspiracy theory and synchromysticism. The work exists against a techno-socio-political backdrop of fake news, conspiracy theory, cyber-espionage and political populism.
Liz Mputu
Liz Mputu is an artist based in Orlando, Florida. Mputu is a ‘multiplatform, multimedia artist and nursing assistant who engages in work which relates to sex, gender, race and queerness’. Mputu works within a space of feminist net art to understand the whiteness and privilege on the internet. Mputu constructs projects using interactive media, video, sculpture and installation.
LVLZ Healing Hub is creating a Virtual Wellness Center and Community Empowerment Programs. Your experience with healthcare should be lead by your own intuitive sensibility to take care of yourself and those around you. We’ve created a platform that provides the tools that support you in doing so through art, education, self-help and community building.
Morehshin Allahyari
Morehshin Allahyari (Persian: موره شین اللهیاری‎), is a NY based Iranian-Kurdish artist using 3D simulation, video, sculpture, and digital fabrication as tools to re-figure myth and history. Through archival practices and storytelling, her work weaves together complex counternarratives in opposition to the lasting influence of Western technological colonialism in the context of SWANA (Southwest Asia and North Africa).
She Who Sees The Unknown is a research based project, in which I use 3D modeling, 3D scanning, 3D printing, and storytelling to re-create monstrous female/queer figures of Middle Eastern origin, using the traditions and myths associated with them to explore the catastrophes of colonialism, patriarchism and environmental degradation in relationship to the Middle East.
Sahej Rahal
Sahej Rahal was born in Mumbai. He graduated from Rachana Sansad Academy of Fine Art, Mumbai. He has been a recipient of many prestigious international residencies and won the Forbes Award for Debut Solo Show, 2014. His body of work is a growing narrative that draws upon mythical beings, and brings them into a dialogue with the present. Within this narrative, these beings perform absurd acts in derelict corners of the city, transforming them into liminal sites of ritual. The temporal act and its residue become primary motifs in his practice.
Shrota follows a horned biped as it wanders the twilight landscape of a digital biome. This biped is not driven by a single brain but a congregation of multiple AI scripts that are attached to the virtual bones within its polygonal body, collapsing the separation between mind and limb. Furthermore, each of these scripts is capable of ‘listening’, by picking up audio feedback from the physical world through the computer’s microphone. This feedback interrupts the motion produced by the AI scripts inside Shrota, making the virtual creature move in response to noise from the physical world.
Suzanne Treister
Initially recognized in the 1980s as a painter, Suzanne Treister became a pioneer in the digital/new media/web based field from the beginning of the 1990s, making work about emerging technologies, developing fictional worlds and international collaborative organisations. Often spanning several years, her projects comprise fantastic reinterpretations of given taxonomies and histories that examine the existence of covert, unseen forces at work in the world, whether corporate, military or paranormal. An ongoing focus of her work is the relationship between new technologies, society, alternative belief systems and the potential futures of humanity.
Kabbalistic Futurism emerges from ideas, visions and methodologies of the Jewish mystical tradition of Kabbalah, engaging with current and potential future technological paradigms, scientific theories of the cosmos and imagined social and regenerative architectural systems. The works take the form of the Kabbalistic tree of life, enabling deeper interpretation towards transcendent and transformative visions.
Tabita Rezaire
Tabita Rezaire is infinity incarnated into an agent of healing, who uses art as a mean to unfold the soul. Her cross-dimensional practices envision network sciences - organic, electronic and spiritual - as healing technologies to serve the shift towards heart consciousness.
Premium Connect envisions a study of information and communication technologies (ICT). It explores African divination systems, the fungi underworld, ancestors’ communication, and quantum physics to (re)think our information conduits. Embracing the idea that ICT acts as a mirror for the organic world capable of healing or harming, depending on its usage and users, Premium Connect investigates the cybernetics spaces where the organic, technological, and spiritual worlds connect. How can we use biological and esoteric systems to fuel technological process of information, control, and governance? Overcoming the organism/spirit/device dichotomies, this work explores spiritual connections as communication networks and the possibilities of decolonial technologies.
Yin-Ju Chen & Marina Lin
Artist Yin-Ju Chen interprets social power and history through cosmological systems. Utilizing astrology, sacred geometries, and alchemical symbols, she considers human behavior, nationalism, imperialism, state violence, totalitarianism, utopian formations, and collective thinking.

As a former travel journalist, Marina Lin embarked on a shamanic journey during a spontaneous vision quest in a desert in the Middle East. She has spent over ten years traveling around the world to study from various shamanic cultures, provide shamanic healing, teach shamanism courses, as well as lead rituals. Lin began learning Ayahuasca in 2012, and is one of the few practitioners in Asia to have been fully trained in the authentic Ayahuasca lineage.

Close Your Eyes and You Will Know is an exhibition by Taipei-based artist Yin-Ju Chen and shaman practitioner Li-Chun Lin (Marina). Their collaborative project Sonic Driving (2018–ongoing) employs shamanic methods to access altered states of consciousness and to create alternative realities. As an integral part of the ongoing Sonic Driving project, Chen and Lin assemble local and global participants to workshops initiating shamanic journeys to these other worlds. Past shamanic assemblies have sought oracles seeking answers to questions such as: How will global warming affect the Earth?  How will artificial intelligence affect humans in the future? What will our world look like 100 years from now? Video text documents of past workshops are projected onto the ceiling, along the margins of the “middle world.”
Joey Holder, ADCREDO
Morehshin Allahyari, SHE WHO SEES THE UNKNOWN
Sahej Rahal, SHROTA
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TECHNOMANCY TACTICS is a showcase of artistic practice at the intersection of digital technology and critical spirituality. In science fiction and fantasy, technomancy, also called technomagic, is a category of magical abilities that affect technology or magical powers that are gained through the use of technology.

Technomancy is a potentially productive trope because of its capability to blur the supposed dichotomy between the "magical" and the "rational." Historians of religion and philosophy like Randall Styers and Olof Pettersson have made the case that our modern understanding of magic was constructed during the Enlightenment as a foil to the values of European modernity. It's a catch-all for delegitimized forms of knowledge and spirituality that challenged colonial and patriarchal norms. "Reason" and "technology," on the other hand, became the exclusive realm of white Christian patriarchies in this grand modernist narrative of progress.

The artists represented in this show challenge this premise and complicate the relationship between technology and "magic." Their work enables a plurality of approaches to knowing, using, and creating digital technology.
Daniil Gerasimov

Alice Bucknell is a North American artist and writer based in London. Working primarily through video game engines, her current work explores interconnections of architecture, ecology, magic, and non-human and machine intelligence. She uses speculative fiction and worldbuilding strategies to critique architecture's role in the climate crisis and its contribution to systems of global inequality. In 2021, she organized
Align Properties is a two-part video that explores the interconnection of wellness capitalism, new age spirituality and big data in times of crisis. Taking the failed astrology dating app Align as its departure point, Align Properties imagines the rebirth of the ill-fated app as a build-to-rent property developer targeting millennials seeking astrologically-attuned luxury living.
Alice Bucknell
Tabita Rezaire is infinity incarnated into an agent of healing, who uses art as a mean to unfold the soul. Her cross-dimensional practices envision network sciences - organic, electronic and spiritual - as healing technologies to serve the shift towards heart consciousness.
Premium Connect envisions a study of information and communication technologies (ICT). It explores African divination systems, the fungi underworld, ancestors’ communication, and quantum physics to (re)think our information conduits. Embracing the idea that ICT acts as a mirror for the organic world capable of healing or harming, depending on its usage and users, Premium Connect investigates the cybernetics spaces where the organic, technological, and spiritual worlds connect. How can we use biological and esoteric systems to fuel technological process of information, control, and governance? Overcoming the organism/spirit/device dichotomies, this work explores spiritual connections as communication networks and the possibilities of decolonial technologies.
Alice Bucknell
Alice Bucknell, Align Properties, Video Still, image courtesy of the artist. 2020
Tabita Rezaire is infinity incarnated into an agent of healing, who uses art as a mean to unfold the soul. Her cross-dimensional practices envision network sciences - organic, electronic and spiritual - as healing technologies to serve the shift towards heart consciousness.
Premium Connect envisions a study of information and communication technologies (ICT). It explores African divination systems, the fungi underworld, ancestors’ communication, and quantum physics to (re)think our information conduits. Embracing the idea that ICT acts as a mirror for the organic world capable of healing or harming, depending on its usage and users, Premium Connect investigates the cybernetics spaces where the organic, technological, and spiritual worlds connect.
jujulove aka Juliette Lizotte is a video maker, designer and DJ based in Amsterdam. Her current research focuses on witches as ecofeminist key figures. Learning from the subversive character of the witch: marginal, powerful and disruptive, with an unsettling relation to nature, Juliette invokes the powers of witches, their spell casting and their engagement with unconventional knowledges to empower bodies and minds.
Sisters of the Wind is the fruit of an artistic research on witches, ecofeminism, and science-fiction carried out between 2018 and 2021. It is a story woven through seven videos to be experienced in two distinct ways: as an online world-building workshop and role play session or as an interactive audiovisual performance.
Tabita Rezaire is infinity incarnated into an agent of healing, who uses art as a mean to unfold the soul. Her cross-dimensional practices envision network sciences - organic, electronic and spiritual - as healing technologies to serve the shift towards heart consciousness.
Premium Connect envisions a study of information and communication technologies (ICT). It explores African divination systems, the fungi underworld, ancestors’ communication, and quantum physics to (re)think our information conduits. Embracing the idea that ICT acts as a mirror for the organic world capable of healing or harming, depending on its usage and users, Premium Connect investigates the cybernetics spaces where the organic, technological, and spiritual worlds connect. How can we use biological and esoteric systems to fuel technological process of information, control, and governance? Overcoming the organism/spirit/device dichotomies, this work explores spiritual connections as communication networks and the possibilities of decolonial technologies.
jujulove, Sisters of the Wind, Live Performance Still, image courtesy of the artist. 2021
Tabita Rezaire is infinity incarnated into an agent of healing, who uses art as a mean to unfold the soul. Her cross-dimensional practices envision network sciences - organic, electronic and spiritual - as healing technologies to serve the shift towards heart consciousness.
Premium Connect envisions a study of information and communication technologies (ICT). It explores African divination systems, the fungi underworld, ancestors’ communication, and quantum physics to (re)think our information conduits. Embracing the idea that ICT acts as a mirror for the organic world capable of healing or harming, depending on its usage and users, Premium Connect investigates the cybernetics spaces where the organic, technological, and spiritual worlds connect.
Joey Holder has exhibited widely in the UK & internationally including the Harvard Museum of Natural History, Athens Biennale, Design Museum, Moscow Biennale, Transmediale & Venice Biennale. Her artwork is fuelled by continued dialogue and collaborations with researchers & practitioners from varied fields. She creates fictional worlds & constructed environments that respond directly to contemporary, real world events. Each artwork is considered a ‘set’ with filmic, narrative, architectural, visuals & sound elements created uniquely for the conceptual underpinning of the project. She has worked with computational geneticists, marine biologists, behavioural psychologists & investigative journalists where my artwork has addressed themes including future farming, synthetic biology and deep sea ecosystems.
Adcredo - The Deep Belief Network is a series of installations developed across several sites, as well as a research and discussion platform. Taking a fictional data-analysis company called Adcredo as her starting point, Holder explores the role that online networks can play in the construction of belief. The work develops a series of avatars that Holder has worked with across the project. CGI talking heads stand in for Kanye West, Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin and Peter Thiel alongside otherworldly creatures drawn from the artist’s online research into conspiracy theory and synchromysticism. The work exists against a techno-socio-political backdrop of fake news, conspiracy theory, cyber-espionage and political populism.
Joey Holder
Tabita Rezaire is infinity incarnated into an agent of healing, who uses art as a mean to unfold the soul. Her cross-dimensional practices envision network sciences - organic, electronic and spiritual - as healing technologies to serve the shift towards heart consciousness.
Premium Connect envisions a study of information and communication technologies (ICT). It explores African divination systems, the fungi underworld, ancestors’ communication, and quantum physics to (re)think our information conduits. Embracing the idea that ICT acts as a mirror for the organic world capable of healing or harming, depending on its usage and users, Premium Connect investigates the cybernetics spaces where the organic, technological, and spiritual worlds connect. How can we use biological and esoteric systems to fuel technological process of information, control, and governance? Overcoming the organism/spirit/device dichotomies, this work explores spiritual connections as communication networks and the possibilities of decolonial technologies.
‍Joey Holder
Joey Holder, Adcredo, Image of Installation, image courtesy of the artist. 2018
Tabita Rezaire is infinity incarnated into an agent of healing, who uses art as a mean to unfold the soul. Her cross-dimensional practices envision network sciences - organic, electronic and spiritual - as healing technologies to serve the shift towards heart consciousness.
Premium Connect envisions a study of information and communication technologies (ICT). It explores African divination systems, the fungi underworld, ancestors’ communication, and quantum physics to (re)think our information conduits. Embracing the idea that ICT acts as a mirror for the organic world capable of healing or harming, depending on its usage and users, Premium Connect investigates the cybernetics spaces where the organic, technological, and spiritual worlds connect.
Liz Mputu is an artist based in Orlando, Florida. Mputu is a ‘multiplatform, multimedia artist and nursing assistant who engages in work which relates to sex, gender, race and queerness’. Mputu works within a space of feminist net art to understand the whiteness and privilege on the internet. Mputu constructs projects using interactive media, video, sculpture and installation.
LVLZ Healing Hub is creating a Virtual Wellness Center and Community Empowerment Programs Your experience with healthcare should be lead by your own intuitive sensibility to take care of yourself and those around you. We’ve created a platform that provides the tools that support you in doing so through art, education, self-help and community building.
Liz Mputu
Tabita Rezaire is infinity incarnated into an agent of healing, who uses art as a mean to unfold the soul. Her cross-dimensional practices envision network sciences - organic, electronic and spiritual - as healing technologies to serve the shift towards heart consciousness.
Premium Connect envisions a study of information and communication technologies (ICT). It explores African divination systems, the fungi underworld, ancestors’ communication, and quantum physics to (re)think our information conduits. Embracing the idea that ICT acts as a mirror for the organic world capable of healing or harming, depending on its usage and users, Premium Connect investigates the cybernetics spaces where the organic, technological, and spiritual worlds connect. How can we use biological and esoteric systems to fuel technological process of information, control, and governance? Overcoming the organism/spirit/device dichotomies, this work explores spiritual connections as communication networks and the possibilities of decolonial technologies.
Liz Mputu
Liz Mputu, LVLZ Healing Center: IRL Application of Digi-Manifestation, Image of Installation, image courtesy of the artist. 2020
Tabita Rezaire is infinity incarnated into an agent of healing, who uses art as a mean to unfold the soul. Her cross-dimensional practices envision network sciences - organic, electronic and spiritual - as healing technologies to serve the shift towards heart consciousness.
Premium Connect envisions a study of information and communication technologies (ICT). It explores African divination systems, the fungi underworld, ancestors’ communication, and quantum physics to (re)think our information conduits. Embracing the idea that ICT acts as a mirror for the organic world capable of healing or harming, depending on its usage and users, Premium Connect investigates the cybernetics spaces where the organic, technological, and spiritual worlds connect.
Morehshin Allahyari (Persian: موره شین اللهیاری‎), is a NY based Iranian-Kurdish artist using 3D simulation, video, sculpture, and digital fabrication as tools to re-figure myth and history. Through archival practices and storytelling, her work weaves together complex counternarratives in opposition to the lasting influence of Western technological colonialism in the context of SWANA (Southwest Asia and North Africa).
She Who Sees The Unknown is a research based project, in which Morehshin Allahyari uses 3D modeling, 3D scanning, 3D printing, and storytelling to re-create monstrous female/queer figures of Middle Eastern origin, using the traditions and myths associated with them to explore the catastrophes of colonialism, patriarchism and environmental degradation in relationship to the Middle East.
Morehshin Allahyari
Tabita Rezaire is infinity incarnated into an agent of healing, who uses art as a mean to unfold the soul. Her cross-dimensional practices envision network sciences - organic, electronic and spiritual - as healing technologies to serve the shift towards heart consciousness.
Premium Connect envisions a study of information and communication technologies (ICT). It explores African divination systems, the fungi underworld, ancestors’ communication, and quantum physics to (re)think our information conduits. Embracing the idea that ICT acts as a mirror for the organic world capable of healing or harming, depending on its usage and users, Premium Connect investigates the cybernetics spaces where the organic, technological, and spiritual worlds connect. How can we use biological and esoteric systems to fuel technological process of information, control, and governance? Overcoming the organism/spirit/device dichotomies, this work explores spiritual connections as communication networks and the possibilities of decolonial technologies.
‍Morehshin Allahyari
Morehshin Allahyari, She Who Sees the Unknown: Huma, Image of 3d Printed Sculpture, image courtesy of the artist. 2016
Tabita Rezaire is infinity incarnated into an agent of healing, who uses art as a mean to unfold the soul. Her cross-dimensional practices envision network sciences - organic, electronic and spiritual - as healing technologies to serve the shift towards heart consciousness.
Premium Connect envisions a study of information and communication technologies (ICT). It explores African divination systems, the fungi underworld, ancestors’ communication, and quantum physics to (re)think our information conduits. Embracing the idea that ICT acts as a mirror for the organic world capable of healing or harming, depending on its usage and users, Premium Connect investigates the cybernetics spaces where the organic, technological, and spiritual worlds connect.
Sahej Rahal was born in Mumbai. He graduated from Rachana Sansad Academy of Fine Art, Mumbai. He has been a recipient of many prestigious international residencies and won the Forbes Award for Debut Solo Show, 2014. His body of work is a growing narrative that draws upon mythical beings, and brings them into a dialogue with the present. Within this narrative, these beings perform absurd acts in derelict corners of the city, transforming them into liminal sites of ritual. The temporal act and its residue become primary motifs in his practice.
Shrota follows a horned biped as it wanders the twilight landscape of a digital biome. This biped is not driven by a single brain but a congregation of multiple AI scripts that are attached to the virtual bones within its polygonal body, collapsing the separation between mind and limb. Furthermore, each of these scripts is capable of ‘listening’, by picking up audio feedback from the physical world through the computer’s microphone. This feedback interrupts the motion produced by the AI scripts inside Shrota, making the virtual creature move in response to noise from the physical world.
Sahej Rahal
Tabita Rezaire is infinity incarnated into an agent of healing, who uses art as a mean to unfold the soul. Her cross-dimensional practices envision network sciences - organic, electronic and spiritual - as healing technologies to serve the shift towards heart consciousness.
Premium Connect envisions a study of information and communication technologies (ICT). It explores African divination systems, the fungi underworld, ancestors’ communication, and quantum physics to (re)think our information conduits. Embracing the idea that ICT acts as a mirror for the organic world capable of healing or harming, depending on its usage and users, Premium Connect investigates the cybernetics spaces where the organic, technological, and spiritual worlds connect. How can we use biological and esoteric systems to fuel technological process of information, control, and governance? Overcoming the organism/spirit/device dichotomies, this work explores spiritual connections as communication networks and the possibilities of decolonial technologies.
‍Sahej Rahal
Sahej Rahal, Shrota, Screencap of AI Simulation, image courtesy of the artist. 2020
Tabita Rezaire is infinity incarnated into an agent of healing, who uses art as a mean to unfold the soul. Her cross-dimensional practices envision network sciences - organic, electronic and spiritual - as healing technologies to serve the shift towards heart consciousness.
Premium Connect envisions a study of information and communication technologies (ICT). It explores African divination systems, the fungi underworld, ancestors’ communication, and quantum physics to (re)think our information conduits. Embracing the idea that ICT acts as a mirror for the organic world capable of healing or harming, depending on its usage and users, Premium Connect investigates the cybernetics spaces where the organic, technological, and spiritual worlds connect.
Suzanne Treister became a pioneer in the digital/new media/web based field from the beginning of the 1990s, making work about emerging technologies, developing fictional worlds and international collaborative organisations. Often spanning several years, her projects comprise fantastic reinterpretations of given taxonomies and histories that examine the existence of covert, unseen forces at work in the world, whether corporate, military or paranormal. An ongoing focus of her work is the relationship between new technologies, society, alternative belief systems and the potential futures of humanity.
Kabbalistic Futurism emerges from ideas, visions and methodologies of the Jewish mystical tradition of Kabbalah, engaging with current and potential future technological paradigms, scientific theories of the cosmos and imagined social and regenerative architectural systems. The works take the form of the Kabbalistic tree of life, enabling deeper interpretation towards transcendent and transformative visions.
Suzanne Treister
Tabita Rezaire is infinity incarnated into an agent of healing, who uses art as a mean to unfold the soul. Her cross-dimensional practices envision network sciences - organic, electronic and spiritual - as healing technologies to serve the shift towards heart consciousness.
Premium Connect envisions a study of information and communication technologies (ICT). It explores African divination systems, the fungi underworld, ancestors’ communication, and quantum physics to (re)think our information conduits. Embracing the idea that ICT acts as a mirror for the organic world capable of healing or harming, depending on its usage and users, Premium Connect investigates the cybernetics spaces where the organic, technological, and spiritual worlds connect. How can we use biological and esoteric systems to fuel technological process of information, control, and governance? Overcoming the organism/spirit/device dichotomies, this work explores spiritual connections as communication networks and the possibilities of decolonial technologies.
Suzanne Treister
Suzanne Treister, Kabbalistic Futurism: Kabbalistic Algorithms and Machine Intelligences 03, Drawing, image courtesy of the artist. 2021-22
Tabita Rezaire is infinity incarnated into an agent of healing, who uses art as a mean to unfold the soul. Her cross-dimensional practices envision network sciences - organic, electronic and spiritual - as healing technologies to serve the shift towards heart consciousness.
Premium Connect envisions a study of information and communication technologies (ICT). It explores African divination systems, the fungi underworld, ancestors’ communication, and quantum physics to (re)think our information conduits. Embracing the idea that ICT acts as a mirror for the organic world capable of healing or harming, depending on its usage and users, Premium Connect investigates the cybernetics spaces where the organic, technological, and spiritual worlds connect.
Tabita Rezaire is infinity incarnated into an agent of healing, who uses art as a mean to unfold the soul. Her cross-dimensional practices envision network sciences - organic, electronic and spiritual - as healing technologies to serve the shift towards heart consciousness.
Premium Connect envisions a study of information and communication technologies (ICT). It explores African divination systems, the fungi underworld, ancestors’ communication, and quantum physics to (re)think our information conduits. Embracing the idea that ICT acts as a mirror for the organic world capable of healing or harming, depending on its usage and users, Premium Connect investigates the cybernetics spaces where the organic, technological, and spiritual worlds connect. How can we use biological and esoteric systems to fuel technological process of information, control, and governance? Overcoming the organism/spirit/device dichotomies, this work explores spiritual connections as communication networks and the possibilities of decolonial technologies.
Tabita Rezaire
Tabita Rezaire is infinity incarnated into an agent of healing, who uses art as a mean to unfold the soul. Her cross-dimensional practices envision network sciences - organic, electronic and spiritual - as healing technologies to serve the shift towards heart consciousness.
Premium Connect envisions a study of information and communication technologies (ICT). It explores African divination systems, the fungi underworld, ancestors’ communication, and quantum physics to (re)think our information conduits. Embracing the idea that ICT acts as a mirror for the organic world capable of healing or harming, depending on its usage and users, Premium Connect investigates the cybernetics spaces where the organic, technological, and spiritual worlds connect. How can we use biological and esoteric systems to fuel technological process of information, control, and governance? Overcoming the organism/spirit/device dichotomies, this work explores spiritual connections as communication networks and the possibilities of decolonial technologies.
Tabita Rezaire
Tabita Rezaire, Premium Connect, Video Still, image courtesy of the artist. 2017
Tabita Rezaire is infinity incarnated into an agent of healing, who uses art as a mean to unfold the soul. Her cross-dimensional practices envision network sciences - organic, electronic and spiritual - as healing technologies to serve the shift towards heart consciousness.
Premium Connect envisions a study of information and communication technologies (ICT). It explores African divination systems, the fungi underworld, ancestors’ communication, and quantum physics to (re)think our information conduits. Embracing the idea that ICT acts as a mirror for the organic world capable of healing or harming, depending on its usage and users, Premium Connect investigates the cybernetics spaces where the organic, technological, and spiritual worlds connect.
Yin-Ju Chen interprets social power and history through cosmological systems. Utilizing astrology, sacred geometries, and alchemical symbols, she considers human behavior, nationalism, imperialism, state violence, totalitarianism, utopian formations, and collective thinking.

As a former travel journalist, Marina Lin embarked on a shamanic journey during a spontaneous vision quest in a desert in the Middle East. She has spent over ten years traveling around the world to study from various shamanic cultures, provide shamanic healing, teach shamanism courses, as well as lead rituals. Lin began learning Ayahuasca in 2012, and is one of the few practitioners in Asia to have been fully trained in the authentic Ayahuasca lineage.
Close Your Eyes and You Will Know is an exhibition by Taipei-based artist Yin-Ju Chen and shaman practitioner Li-Chun Lin (Marina). Their collaborative project Sonic Driving (2018–ongoing) employs shamanic methods to access altered states of consciousness and to create alternative realities. As an integral part of the ongoing Sonic Driving project, Chen and Lin assemble local and global participants to workshops initiating shamanic journeys to these other worlds.Past shamanic assemblies have sought oracles seeking answers to questions such as: How will global warming affect the Earth? How will artificial intelligence affect humans in the future? What will our world look like 100 years from now? Video text documents of past workshops are projected onto the ceiling, along the margins of the “middle world.”
Yin-Ju Chen & Marina
Tabita Rezaire is infinity incarnated into an agent of healing, who uses art as a mean to unfold the soul. Her cross-dimensional practices envision network sciences - organic, electronic and spiritual - as healing technologies to serve the shift towards heart consciousness.
Premium Connect envisions a study of information and communication technologies (ICT). It explores African divination systems, the fungi underworld, ancestors’ communication, and quantum physics to (re)think our information conduits. Embracing the idea that ICT acts as a mirror for the organic world capable of healing or harming, depending on its usage and users, Premium Connect investigates the cybernetics spaces where the organic, technological, and spiritual worlds connect. How can we use biological and esoteric systems to fuel technological process of information, control, and governance? Overcoming the organism/spirit/device dichotomies, this work explores spiritual connections as communication networks and the possibilities of decolonial technologies.
Yin-Ju Chen & Marina Lin
Yin-Ju Chen & Li-Chun Lin (Marina), Sonic Driving, Image of Installation, Courtesy to Yin-Ju Chen, Li-Chun Lin (Marina), and Minds Rising, Spirits Tuning, the 13th Gwangju Biennale Photo Credit: Sang Tae Kimof. 2021
Tabita Rezaire is infinity incarnated into an agent of healing, who uses art as a mean to unfold the soul. Her cross-dimensional practices envision network sciences - organic, electronic and spiritual - as healing technologies to serve the shift towards heart consciousness.
Premium Connect envisions a study of information and communication technologies (ICT). It explores African divination systems, the fungi underworld, ancestors’ communication, and quantum physics to (re)think our information conduits. Embracing the idea that ICT acts as a mirror for the organic world capable of healing or harming, depending on its usage and users, Premium Connect investigates the cybernetics spaces where the organic, technological, and spiritual worlds connect.